Gabrielle L.

The War

Sunlight streams in from the window above
It rains down like leaves on a fall afternoon.
The light reaches every corner of the room; sets it on fire in a heavenly bath of gold.
The radiance touches my skin and sets it a glow.
And then slowly, creeping up, like death ready to take a life, darkness sets in upon the day.
Sets in upon me.
Diabolical twilight overthrows the magnificent luminosity as though it was battle and the sunlight was merely a pawn.
Collapsing around me, the world comes to an end.
Evil has won; the heavenly sunlight has retracted once more.
With one last leap of faith daybreak tries once again to break through the ranks but fails,
We are thrown into darkness for eternity.


Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.