Drorr Marx

From Granddaughter to Grandfather

It’s been half a year
Since I saw you last,
You were sitting on your chair,
Listening to your radio,
Having a blast.

And the radio caster
Told the world what the weather is.
Grayness with clouds will appear in the morning,
Then the sun will come out.

I moved to another country,
And our lives unraveled.
It was tough at the beginning
Then it turned better.

Looking back at the time,
As the war was still on,
You fought until you cried,
You were strong as a lion.

Saying goodbye was not easy.
Tears fell from your eyes,
But you didn’t want it to be too cheesy,
So you gave me a hug, and walked away,
You were wise.


Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.