Kaitlin Brady

The Coffee Shop

In the center of the village
In a deserted little town
Is a small little coffee shop,
The only one around.

The smell of the ginger,
Cinnamon and spice,
Will keep you warm inside,
When the weather outside isn’t nice.

The wood chairs,
Clean tables,
Brick wall,
Coffee labels.

The fresh pastries are like
Heaven on a plate,
You didn’t hesitate to buy one,
You were the fish and it was the bait.

The hot coffee burns your tongue
But it’s all worth your while,
It’s much better than the coffee packets
You find in the supermarket aisle.

You sit and read the newspaper,
The one from your own state,
You read about the economy,
And the unemployment rate.

You wipe the crumbs from your mouth,
And get up from your seat,
Leave to start the rest of your day,
Now that your morning is complete.


Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.