Kristy D.


As I walk along the path I hear the crunch of the crispy leaves
with each step. They change color
and slowly one by one fall off the tree by the wind.
Soon the sun
comes out behind the clouds and warms my face.
I walk steadily with my shoes

tapping the ground and hearing the leaves crumble beneath my shoes.
The colors of the leaves
put a smile on my face.
As days pass the color
of the trees are as bright as the sun
whose warmth is hidden slightly by the wind.

I walk the path again, this time the wind
has picked up. The shoes
do not keep my feet warm like the sun
used to keep my body in the early season. The leaves
start circling around me because of the gusting wind. Colors
blow in front of my face.

I enter my house and my face
is pink because of brisk wind.
Its too cold to go on a walk for the rest the of the season. I watch the color
of the leaves change from inside my house with slippers on my feet instead of shoes.
The season is coming to an end and the leaves
have all fallen to the ground. The sun

gives off as much warmth as the sun
can, but it is not enough to warm my face.
Soon the leaves
are covered with a layer of frost. Wind
becomes fierce and bitterly cold. Shoes
start to be put away. The color

of the grass is layered with white colored
crystals. The sun
is soon covered by clouds. Shoes
are replaced with boots. My face
is sprinkled with delicate snowflakes. The wind
dies down and the leaves

are now covered with snow. The leaves won’t be back with color
until spring, where the pleasant wind
blows softly on my face and I can pull out my worn out shoes.


Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.