Richard Pan


This one is born on a cold Friday night,
Inside the city where lights shine bright.
His mom’s an actress, his dad plays ball,
He’s going to be the greatest of all.
He learns how to walk, he learns how to read,
He learns how to count from one to three.
“He’s going to go far” all the teachers remark,
As his mind is as sharp as the tooth of a shark.
Elementary’s too simple, its just a slight breeze.
Sixth seventh and eighth cut right through with ease.
But then comes high school, things get a bit rough.
He finds that raw talent just isn’t enough.
All of his teachers and coaches go crazy,
He wants to improve but hes just too darn lazy.
It only gets worse, he drops out of college.
The best job he can find is building a small bridge.
Now he works for a man named Krenchnal,
Knowing he never fulfilled his potential.
And nobody knows him for what he has done,
All they know is what could have become.
The next great couple produces a baby,
Is this the next genius? Maybe just maybe.
‘Cause Dad’s just like Einstein and Mom found the cure.
Here comes the next genius. Here comes the next failure.


Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.