Brianna Wilson

Missing Daisy

At Andie’s there was always Daisy,

Whose bright brown eyes smiled at me as I entered their house,

 whose clean golden brown fur caught my eye as I stroked her soft and fluffy back.

Daisy, the dog of my dreams.


Over time and many school years later, her fur grew patchy and blotchy with sickness,

Illnesses had pained her throughout her entire life.

But when Daisy entered a room, even the room would wag its tail.


Fate had finally called, yet Daisy was not ready for doom.

The next time I voyaged down to New Jersey to visit my Best Friend and my extended family, I questioned, “Is something missing today?”

A tear ran down Andie’s cheek,

She grasped me with all power in her body and told me about the loss in her family.


That lovable and sweet dog that I cherished throughout my childhood,

Has left with a legacy and no longer has pains or fears.

The strength was not in her to stand up yet she was extremely powerful.

Days were the length of time we wept together.

Daisy, I miss you although you weren’t mine,

Before my own dog came into my life, I considered you mine too.

You were Andie’s yet I cared and loved you so much.

Sometimes your sicknesses led me to not pet you and I’m so sorry.

I still love you Daisy and I miss that tender look you gave from that precious face.



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