Maya Elany


9-year old Virginia Sullivan
Lifted her arm
And let her finger glide down the raindrops on the window
Leaving a trail of finger markings.
She loved the rain.

Tick Tock
Pitter Patter
Slap Slap
As the rain hit the ground.

She married and
found love
Had a beautiful son
And as she rocked him,
Her eyes followed the raindrops
And a small, precious hand would rise
Reach and touch the window,
leaving a trail of finger markings
Just like she had loved to do.

Tick Tock
Pitter Patter
Slap Slap
As the rain hit the ground


Her son, all grown,
And she stays alone
Her husband gone, too soon.
But still, she watches as the big drops tumble down the window.
And thinks back to that beautiful time.

Tick Tock
Pitter patter
Slap Slap
As the rain hit the ground.

In a wheel chair,
91 year old Virginia Sullivan stays in a nursing home
Feeling alone, hoping her son would come
She reaches for her coffee,
but her aching fingers cannot hold much
And as it starts to rain
She lifts her arm
To touch the drops gliding down
But she finds her arms are no longer free
As her muscles and strength have failed her

Tick tock
Pitter Patter
Slap Slap

As tears hit the ground.


Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.