Seong Jae Justin Kim

I Am Not Weird

Walking down the hall,
This guy came towards me.
“What’s up?”
I looked up
And said “I don’t see anything…”
I am not weird.

Walking down the hall,
This girl came towards me.
“Hug me!”
Just because of that,
I thought her heart had a burning crush on me
I am not weird.

Walking down the hall,
This old man came towards me.
“Good morning, Justin”
I bowed, saying Hello.
He looked confused. I saw a question mark in his eyes.
I am not weird.

Walking down the hall,
This teacher came towards me.
“You should raise your hand more in class. Get involved in class Justin.”
I said “I thought raising hand was showing off.”
She started laughing at me and tapped my shoulder.
I am not weird.

Walking down the hall,
This new soccer coach came towards me.
“Justin, how good are you?”
I felt very conceited and said “I am not bad.”
He really thought I was not good at all until he saw me playing
I am not weird.

Walking down the hall,
This little boy came towards me.
“What do you usually eat for dinner?”
I listed all the foods that go to my table every dinner time.
Suddenly his eyes got much bigger and could not take his eyes off me.
I am not weird.

Living in this world,
Many people come towards me.
But now, I go to those people too.
I can feel it.
I am one of those people
Remember, I am Justin,

And I am not weird.  


Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.