Kevin Lu

Abandoned House

It was my hundredth time down the road
But I never noticed it before.
It lay hidden in the forest.
The abandoned house, that is.

I walked up to the iron door.
Nothing happened for a while
Until it creaked open by itself.
Bored to death, I entered.

I shivered upon entering the house.
Where was the warm welcome? It was summer.
I wandered into the attic and heard a croak.
I spun around but no one was there.
Nothing was there.

The croak later returned, but more evil this time.
I shouted a loud hello, but no one called back.
Startled, I headed towards the exit.
But now, the croak grew louder.
Something began to move.
I slowly turned my head around.

Our eyes met and I dropped to the ground.
She had a pale face and a twisted neck.
The blood-soaked girl crawled towards me.
I could not move.



Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.