Carly Gravallese

Nobody Is Perfect

I’m sorry I’m not perfect,
I can’t always tell what you’re thinking,
Or read your mind like a psychic.

I’m sorry for making you feel insignificant,
when you mean the world to me.
And for all the times I should have listened to you,
I don’t always think things through, but that’s nothing new.

I’m sorry for all the lies, which end up hurting you,
when you find out the truth.
And for all the times I was mean to you,
when you didn’t deserve it.

I’m sorry for all of the tears that stained your cheeks,
And the pain I brought upon you.

I know this is a great deal to say, but I’ve heard your apologies
and now it’s time for you to hear mine.

Even though we fight in the end it’s all right because nobody is perfect,
but together we are pretty close to it.


Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.