Krista Hu

In Comparison

Since we were in sagging diapers,
We’ve been like sisters.
Though you’re a year older,
They would think we were twins.
We would wear the same clothes,
Imagine a world where animals could talk and life was perfect,
Play with tiny but detailed figures,
Walk everywhere together, lest people thought we were the same person.

Childhood is long gone,
The present is different.
You play the majestic grand piano,
I play the violin, humble in comparison.
You’re a junior now,
I’m a sophomore.
You’re dealing with the SAT monster sitting on your path,
I’m on my last year of the tame MCAS.

But some things stay the same.
You live in Acton,
I live in Lexington.
Through busy times,
We make jokes and plans.
Through difficult times,
We confide in each other.
Though I don’t see you nearly enough,
We keep those conversations going.
Here’s to hoping we’ll always be like this.


Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.