Ket P.


Not every day is a good day.
Some days it's been two weeks since I've seen you or heard your voice
And those days my heart beats its way up out of my chest and into my throat and out of my mouth in a jumble of words that make you smile even though they make no sense and that's yet another reason I love you.
That is a good day.
But that was still the day we woke up to hear our classmate's mother has died
In her car and in your sleep, my sleep, all of our sleep
So here I feel I've lost the right to that good night of sleep.
No one would call that a good day.
But Amanda's voice echoes in my head for what must be the thousandth time
"Don't regret what makes you who you are today. "
Her best friend will declare to the world today
That I'm not worth the time and effort he gave
That made me. And made him.
He should listen to Amanda
Because I promised that day I'd be worth it all, and more
Who cares if he cares to look, because I'm not looking back
And so it was a good day.


Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.