Nancy Cai

A Lifetime Through Shoes

The little booties that fit snug over tiny feet
Are hiding in the corner of the carnation pink wall
Staring up at the stars and moon of the mobile
Wanting to reach higher

Grass stained cleats preserve
The scent of pride from scoring the winning goal
Preparing for the championships
Wanting to reach higher

New Converse, a new school year
Smiling nervously at new classmates
Focused on learning for a brighter future
Wanting to reach higher

Those risqué heels echoing down the hall
Leaving pairs of loafers trailing behind
Looking for a place to rest comfortably
Wanting to reach higher

Cloud covered slippers ready to fall off
To a palace farther than the Earth
Where they can eternally rest
Reaching the highest


Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.