David Johnston The Question Breathing in and breathing out
Kathump kathump kathump
There goes my heart
Another jump.
What is the answer to the question?
I’m sitting silent and still as a statue.
With any luck, she’ll call on Matthew.
I then place my head upon the desk.
I avert my eyes away from class.
I pray to let the question pass.
Breathing in and breathing out
Kathump kathump kathump
There goes my heart
Another jump.
I clench my fists and close my eyes.
I slither down within my seat.
Neglecting the ruckus made by my feet.
The teacher sees my failed attempt to hide.
She shoots me a stare with her owl eye,
And I suddenly feel an urge to cry.
Breathing in and breathing out
Kathump kathump kathump
There goes my heart
Another jump.
I glance up towards the heavens,
As the grinchly teacher howls out my name.
I have no answer, so I’m put to shame.
It’s one missed question,
But a memory that’ll last for years.
This embarrassment in front of my peers.
Breathing in and breathing out
Kathump kathump kathump
There goes my heart
Another jump.
Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.