Josh K.

When We Were Kids

When we were kids, we would crush caterpillars with our toes.
We wanted to feel big compared to something;
We didn’t know how small this made us.

When we were kids, we were taught to fix mistakes with glue.
We wanted to replace the broken pieces;
But some things just can’t be fixed.

When we were kids, we would run away every time something went wrong.
We wanted to get away from it all;
Now we just want to get it all back.

When we were kids, we would dress up and play grown-ups.
We wanted to be adults;
Now we just want to be kids again.

But it’s time for us to grow up.


Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.