Caitlin Go Forfeit or PlayThe worker who never missed a day
has smarts that threaten his boss.
And so he loses the promotion -
for the seventh time, the winner
only knows how to suck-up.
The young woman who writes
a best-selling series of novels
loses the college competition,
not because of her essay, but
because of the color of her skin.
The athlete who played his heart out,
sees the gold medal pass him by.
Inside, he knows he was better,
watching as the bribed officials
present the victor with his prize.
The quiet student who gets a B,
has aced every single test,
while her popular classmate,
who doesn’t know two and two,
gets an A nevertheless.
Even when it’s plain unfair,
you cannot change the rules.
Swallow your pride and go on-
Life is just a weighted game,
and to win you’ve got to play it.
Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.