Isabelle Engelberg

Lost Connection

You’re sorry you were sad inside and didn’t say a word
You’re sorry for the things you thought, the things I never heard
You’re sorry that you dragged me down, and wore me to my core
You’re sorry that you let me go when I was such a bore.

You’re angry that I hold you high and won’t give you a chance
You’re angry that our friendship has become a bad romance
You’re angry I don’t wear your clothes, or call you day and night
You’re angry that this time around your words can’t make it right.

I’m frightened that I can’t move on, I can’t seem to let go
I’m frightened I’ve forgotten how to smile at your jokes
I’m frightened that we’ve gotten here and I wish that this would end
I’m frightened that it’s not the same and we can’t seem to pretend.

I’m sorry that I tied you down and wouldn’t let you go
I’m sorry I resented you for leaving me alone
I’m sorry that I needed you, when you only wanted slack
I’m sorry that I loved you, when you didn’t love me back.


Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.