Sara Lehman

Little Orb of Wonder

Your color means no flavor.
You’re red or you are green.
You measure less than my small thumb,
The smallest fruit I’ve seen.

I stare at you in wonder-
And you look back at me,
I try to see what hides behind
Your ambiguity.

You hide in a tasteless shell
What are you concealing?
My teeth pierce through. I sense it:
The taste…no, the feeling!

Just like a supernova
Exploding in the sky,
Your juices surge and graze my tongue,
For seconds I could fly.

Sweet and juicy crunchy glee
Sends taste buds on a trip,
Into the deep and juicy sea
Encompassed by my lip.

Your flavor rushes and brings joy,
To what do you compare?
Oh begging friends how you annoy-
Sorry, there’s none to share.


Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.