Alan Liu

To Grandma


Time went by so fast,

I’m all grown up at last,

If only you were here to see

What has become of me,

And tell me how proud you are

To have a grandson like me.


Time went by so fast

It was if I was there yesterday,

And our family was altogether,

I thought it will be like this forever,

Celebrating like the Earth had met its end.


Time by so fast,

Now that I’m back home,

All I find was dust bunnies,

All I saw was grateful memories.

I find myself sitting nowhere,

Holding the yellow photo album.


You said you’d wait for me,

It was a promise.

You left me without goodbyes,

You left me with only memories.

If only you were here,

You’d know how to clean these photos

Covered in tears.


Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.