Kyle Harvey

An Autumn Leaf

As I ripen into my final season
I feel the wind’s warning of the icy army on its way
While the pumpkin’s mischievous grin takes pride in a certain end
Playful children torture me with a reminiscence of a sweet, but distant youth
I am kidnapped from my surroundings, only able to observe
I hang fearfully from a traitor

As I ripen in my final season
I feel the wind’s comfort of an army that will never touch
While the pumpkin’s joyful grin distracts me from a certain end
Playful children remind me of a sweet world
I take pleasure in observing my surroundings the way I want
I cling ignorantly to an old friend

Ripened in my final season
I feel the wind embrace me with grieving tears
The pumpkin’s knowing grin advises not to despair in a certain end
Playful children remind me of a sweet past
I am satisfied observing my surroundings the way they are
I let go of my past


Copyright © 2002-2011 Student Publishing Program (SPP). Poetry and prose © 2002-2011 by individual authors. Reprinted with permission.